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Monday, August 30, 2010

Reality Shock: Your Hospital May be killing You!


Reality Shock: Your Hospital May be Killing You

Just when we thought it was safe to go back to the ER, there is now an emerging reality that your next trip to the hospital could kill you. In the midst of the political wrangling spurred by the highly controversial health care reform legislations, the debate rages on as to the quality of health care here in the United States. And, while there is plenty of evidence to show that a person who needs a lung transplant would fare much better in the U.S. than say, Canada, there's a growing concern that our hospitals are turning into death traps for the masses.

Long suspected (and little discussed) the dirty little secret is that our nation's hospitals have turned into breeding grounds for mutant diseases and infections that have become impervious to even the most advanced antibiotics. Couple this unsettling fact with the alarming rate of deaths caused by malpractice, incompetence, over-medication, under-treatment and avoidance of preventative medicine, it's not difficult to believe that our hospitals now rank as one of the leading causes of death among all Americans.

Consider these startling facts:

The CDC reports that each year nearly 2,000,000 hospital patients develop some sort of infection and that nearly 5% of those cases end in death!

Deaths due to improper or mistaken medications increase by 10% each summer at medical school hospitals. Why? That's when freshly graduated med students take over the ERs and ICUs of those hospitals.

Understaffing of overburdened ERs have led to (continue reading)

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