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Friday, July 29, 2011

From TownHall News Letter

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
Leftists Beware-The Christian Revolutionaries Are Coming Your Way
7/28/2011 | Email Michael Brown | Columnist's Archive
On the heels of the tragic massacre in Norway, the internet and media have been abuzz with warnings about the potential threat of “Christian extremists.” Typical is an article from domestic terrorism expert Daryl Johnson entitled, “Christian Extremism from Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik.” (Yes, you read that title correctly.) He begins by stating, “Those two jihadists—two right-wing reactionaries, two terrorists, two anti-government white supremacists, two Christians—have a lot in common. . . .” Two Christians?

Johnson alleges that, “[McVeigh’s] idealism of a golden-age white America was the Christian translation of al-Qaeda’s idealized caliphate.” He further claims that, “Islamists who may want us harm need only sit back and enjoy the view. They might as well have outsourced the job to their Christian brethren, with plenty of assists from mainstream conservatives.” And this is meant to be taken seriously. Indeed, it is meant to serve as a warning.

Of course, we have known for years that Christianity played no role at all in Timothy McVeigh’s demented, murderous mind (he was, in fact, a self-professed agnostic), while it is becoming increasingly clear that a living, Christian faith (as opposed to a European, cultural Christianity, completely unrelated to faith) was something of no real importance to Anders Breivik. And Christian thinking or ideology certainly did not fuel his savagery.

But falsely branding McVeigh and Breivik as “Christians” is not the real problem. The problem is when people of genuine Christian faith are labeled “Christianists,” the semantic equivalent of “Islamists,” the current way of describing Islamic terrorists who allegedly distort and pervert Islam. We are now the perverters of the Christian faith, not Christians but “Christianists.” Apparently, if you take your faith seriously enough to allow it to influence your worldview, and if you seek to live in accordance with that worldview, you are a Christianist.

In keeping with this, the JoeMyGod, gay activist website posted a link to my recent Townhall article about Anders Breivik with the heading, “Michael Brown: American Christianists Will Suffer Because Of The Norway Killer.” Similarly, my article drew the attention of RightWingWatch.com, a website which also warns of dangerous “Christianists” like me. Read More Here>http://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2011/07/28/leftists_beware-the_christian_revolutionaries_are_coming_your_way/page/2

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

In All My 66 Years here on this planet.

In my 66 years of my life as a proud citizen the United States of America, this is the first time. I felt that a president of our country, holds his fellow Americans in the United States in contempt, I don't think I've ever felt such an overwhelming feeling of rejection as they do with this administration. It's as though everything that was raised so probably to hold dear and true has been denigrated. Every single day we hear something else that is a slap in the face of every patriot, I pray that we will see relief in November, because I know that I am not the only American that feels the frustration. It is unimaginable to me, what might happen if we cannot find some relief in November. It seems to me. The sediments are not widely held in this country, my friends and acquaintances, and even strangers. During my travels, I often don't want to talk about politics anymore, some say they can't bear to watch the news, because of Obama's daily assaults on all we hold dear. And yet he continues, deliberately and unapologetically, to force his agenda & will on the nation.
The facts speak for themselves, as does Obama's destructive record.

For all his posturing about bipartisanship, and his openness to all ideas, his action have shown all partisan, close minded and determined to implement his agenda, At any cost. And he has detailed the corrupted and high handed tactics. He has used in the process.

Obama doesn't link to the people. He brazenly ignores our wishes, indeed is pleased, that he would cease and detest from this reckless course, and is far from showing the normal concern of a politician. Even a statesman would have ignored his own amazing popularity, Obama moves forward at double time pace, never looking back, and never revealing the slightest inkling of self-doubt.

In his road to socialism, Obama will hope for no challenge. In response to the measurable results of his economic plans, he maintains things would have been much worse without his initiatives. And after he failed to keep his grandiose promise to improve American diplomacy, he gave us more of the same. In the meantime he continues to insult our allies and pamper our enemies George Sorros.

Doesn't worry him that America is in decline. Under his leadership? Obviously not, any voice's contempt for American exceptionalism and pledges to rectify a related unfair consummation of the world's resources. In fact, one can't help but notice that a declining America actually exist if his ideology went well.

It's wasteful stimulus and mortgage bailout packages, along with its fostering nationalize healthcare on this nation, are just the beginning. He is hell-bent on passing a cap and trade bill that will further destroy our prospects for economic recovery and future growth. His plans to boost taxes, including a possible the VAT (value added tax), is also on the front burner, and we shouldn't be surprised if he is ultimately tries to exact a wealth tax whereby he taxes, not just our income and sales transaction, but our Private property, many reasonable fear their pension funds are more mobile and right for the taking. If that happens, you can be sure that debt, exploding Obama will insist is doing us a favor by confiscating our lives earnings to rectify the debt crisis, he himself is largely responsible. Small businesses and producers everywhere weight in anxiety for the next series of shoes to drop from the Socialists programs of Obama's agenda.

All this weren't bad enough, it's urgent push for comprehensive immigration reform has just gotten under way. Expect this initiative, to be loaded with more than the normal amount of demagoguery and populism, as this supposedly post-racial president plays the race card on steroids and route to disseminating rule of law. And what remains of America's unique culture.

Some maintain Obama is intentionally wrecking affect on America as part of a lowered. strategy to manufacture a crisis in order to destroy the nation as we know it and rebuild it into a socialistic image. Others argue Obama is sold deeply in he’s socialist dogma that he is impervious to the manifest evidence of its failure. Regardless of which scenario may be correct, the out come would be the same.

Americans, former skeptics on the right side of the aisle, should now understand how committed Obama is to his far left agenda. They should finally grasp how far the left is willing to go when they are in power. Their talk of moving past partisanship is designed to cover the radical designs. They are precisely the opposite of what they hold themselves up to be freedom loving, compassionate, pro-economic growth, bullish on America Democratic, tolerant, and calm compromising.

America is in a dangerously rapid nose dive under Obama's navigation. The key to our delivery from this systematic assault is for the American people to understand Obama's extremist agenda, to getting engaged, and do everything we can to peaceably remove him and his supporters from office at election time and replace them with Constitutional values and , liberty loving public servants that respect the rule of law.

“Who is a Barack Obama? No one really knows. He led no movement, was spokesman for no ideology…. he cast no shadow. Obama has left his backers, and indeed the nation at large, guessing. Americans know Obama’s smart but we still don't know him. Come to think of it, what did we ever really know about Obama? He is certainly the least known figure ever to reach the presidency. I read an article in the New York Times titled or “Barack Obama's lost brother found in Kenya/” his name is George Hussein Obama, who lives on less than a dollar a month in a Nairobi slum. It’s remarkable that Barack Obama, who has a net worth of several million dollars and is president of the richest country in the world, hasn’t lifted a finder to help a destitute close relative.

Obama is radiant figure on the world stage. He looks the way, an American president should look, and he talks the way many in the world want the American president to talk. As a personality, he conveys dignity and calm. He seems to be what Aristotle called the great-soul man. As an orator, Obama is cerebral . And yet confident, a man who is not afraid to occupied large shoes or undertake large venture.

I certainly don’t think that Obama is a closet Muslin extremist who seeks to destroy America from within. I realize that his first name, Barack, refers to a Muslin blessing, his middle name, Hussien, is Islamic, and his last name, Obama, is similar Osama.

The charge of socialism, now furiously leveled against Obama, seems to bring us closer to the mark. Here is a president who has no business background and very few people with business experience around him; as he goes about slicing the economic pie, its not clear that he has any idea how to make a pie. More troubling Obama is a president who spends the taxpayer’s money with shameless promiscuity. He runs up debt not in the billons, but in the trillions. Just when it seems that he has broken the bank, he purposes new spending.

Never before have the tentacles of government reached so deeply into private sector, Obama even woke up one day and decided to fire the CEO of General Motors aka Government Motors.

No matter how bleak conditions look now, we have reason for optimism, and the American people, like no other people in world history, love our liberty bestowed upon us by our founding fathers and preserved by the blood of our patriot brothers and sisters.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Obama's Misleading Vocabulart (From Townhall Newsletter)

Lurita Doan
Lurita Doan
Obama's Misleading Vocabulary
7/4/2011 | Email Lurita Doan | Columnist's Archive



Check out what's inside the July issue of Townhall Magazine!
Independence Day provides all Americans with an opportunity to celebrate the many freedoms that make our country both great and unique. Our Declaration of Independence was breathtaking in scope and written in precise, plain, unequivocal language. When read in townships across the Colonies, crowds listened in hushed silence and then broke out in applause when the reading was complete. Our Founding Fathers felt no need to dilute or cloak their intentions to form a government.

As you celebrate the 4th, it might be appropriate to contrast the straightforward language of our founders and other great American leaders with the weasel words now emerging from Washington, and all too frequently, from President Obama, who prefers euphemism-laden, convoluted, pixilated flummery.

A quick review of Obama's speeches reveals his most common euphemisms seem to show a pattern of deception, obfuscation and misdirection. In President Obama's lexicon, words have different meanings; to decipher the message and understand what the President is saying requires a special Washington Dictionary. Here are some samples from President Obama’s special dictionary:

• Investment is the president's word for government spending. When he says we need to invest more, he really means he wants to increase spending on some special project. Obama knows that the word “investment” is reassuring to most Americans and implies that at some point in time a good investment will return a decent profit. But, no return is envisioned with Obama's "investments". In fact, to Obama all government spending is an investment.

• Millionaires and Billionaires – Obama often talks about the need to increase taxes on the millionaires and billionaires. Of course, what he really means is higher taxes on any family making more than $250,000. Obama’s math skills must be sufficient to understand that there is a huge mathematical difference between 250,000 and a billion, but he chooses to ignore the difference to better stoke class resentment, all while hoping that average Americans are too stupid to understand. Read more here>


Friday, July 1, 2011

Read this before you dip into your Pockets

As folks open their pockets for any current disaster, that crisis, or the next whatever catastrophe, please keep these facts in mind:

The American Red Cross
President and CEO - Marsha J. Evans

salary for the year 2010
was $651,957, plus all personal, medical,
& pension expenses.

Less than 10 cents of your donated dollar
actually goes to the cause.

The United Way
President - Brian Gallagher receives a
$375,000 base salary,
along with numerous personal & family
expense benefits.

Less than 12 cents of your donated dollar
actually goes to the cause.

CEO - Caryl M. Stern receives $1.2 Million
per year (100k per month)
plus all living & housing expenses,
including a ROLLS ROYCE.

Less than 15 cents of your donated dollar
actually goes to the cause.
The Salvation Army
Commissioner - Todd Bassett receives a
salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing)
for managing this $2 billion dollar

96 cents of all donated dollars go to the cause.

Please share this with friends.